
Popular cities in Veneto
Known for Boating, Cathedrals and Churches
One of those rare places where time appears to have stood still. Renowned for charming lovers and inspiring artists, all visitors will appreciate its splendour.
Reasons to visit
- St. Mark's Square
- St. Mark's Basilica
- Doge's Palace
Known for Historical, Opera and Cafes
Watch opera in an enormous amphitheater, sample local dishes at the market square and see why Shakespeare set his most famous love story in this medieval city.
Reasons to visit
- Verona Arena
- Juliet's House
- Piazza Bra
Known for Cathedrals, Historical and Art
Reasons to visit
- Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua
- University of Padova
- Scrovegni Chapel
Cortina d'Ampezzo
Known for Skiing, Mountains and Hiking
Located in one of the world’s most beautiful Alpine regions, this sophisticated ski town is nicknamed the Pearl of the Dolomites.
Reasons to visit
- Cortina d'Ampezzo Ski Resort
- Lake Sorapiss
- Falzarego Pass
Known for Cheese, Waterparks and Aquariums
At the heart of the Venetian Riviera is this lively resort destination, which has a sweeping beach, amusement parks and a thriving nightlife scene.
Reasons to visit
- Piazza Mazzini
- Caribe Bay Jesolo
- Piazza Brescia
Known for Historical, Cathedrals and Museums
Reasons to visit
- Piazza dei Signori
- Basilica Palladiana
- Villa Capra detta la Rotonda
Cities in Veneto

Venice (and vicinity)
One of those rare places where time appears to have stood still. Renowned for charming lovers and inspiring artists, all visitors will appreciate its splendour.

Watch opera in an enormous amphitheater, sample local dishes at the market square and see why Shakespeare set his most famous love story in this medieval city.

Historic landmarks, sprawling green parks and traditional Italian culture make this suburb a comfortable, scenic retreat just minutes from the canals of Venice.

Cortina d'Ampezzo
Located in one of the world’s most beautiful Alpine regions, this sophisticated ski town is nicknamed the Pearl of the Dolomites.

Halfway up the eastern coast, and the namesake of northern Italy’s Lake Garda, this town is the perfect destination for a natural retreat.

Wander amid the cobbled lanes and historic buildings of this pretty town. Climb up to the castle, dine in fine restaurants and relax on the shores of Lake Garda.

Bordered by hills on one side and Lake Garda on the other, this charming medieval town provides unspoiled natural beauty, history and recreation.
Abano TermeAdriaAffiAllegheArabbaAsiagoAsoloAuronzo di CadoreBardolinoBassano del GrappaBellunoBibioneBibione PinedaBorca di CadoreBrenzone sul GardaBuranoBussolengoCalmasinoCampagna LupiaCampagnolaCaorleCaprino VeroneseCastelfranco VenetoCastelnuovo del GardaCavaion VeroneseCavallino-TreportiChioggiaCisanoComelico SuperioreConeglianoCortina d'AmpezzoCortina d'Ampezzo Historic CentreCostermano sul GardaDuna VerdeEracleaEraclea MareFalcadeFeltreGallioGalzignano TermeGardaJesoloJesolo PinetaLaziseLazise Old TownLido di JesoloLivinallongo del Col di LanaMalcesineMalcesine Old TownMarconMestreMiraMiranoMisurinaMogliano VenetoMontegrotto TermeNegrarNoventa di PiavePadovaPastrengoPescantinaPeschiera del GardaPieve di CadorePieve di SoligoPorto TolleQuarto d'AltinoRivoli VeroneseRocca PietoreRosapinetaRosolinaRosolina MareRovigoSan Dona di PiaveSan Giovanni LupatotoSan Martino Buon AlbergoSan Michele al TagliamentoSan Pietro in CarianoSan Vito di CadoreSan Zeno di MontagnaSant'Ambrogio di ValpolicellaSelva di CadoreSoaveSommacampagnaSonaSottomarinaTeoloTorri del BenacoTrevisoVal di ZoldoValdobbiadeneValeggio sul MincioValle di CadoreVenice (and vicinity)VeronaVicenzaVigasioVillafranca di VeronaVittorio VenetoVodo Cadore