We will meet you between 8:30 and 9 AM in Veliko Tarnovo. After an hour of driving, we will arrive at the starting point on the bank of the Alexander Stamboliyski Dam. As always, we will prepare the equipment and do a short training course for the beginners. We will spread out among the boats and load everything we need for the next few hours. Then we got into the kayaks and set sail on the clear waters of the dam. After only fifteen minutes we are already in the widest part to enjoy the quiet. Just below us is the former land of the famous village of Bara, whose inhabitants were evicted in 1952 for the dam to be built. We go to the narrower part, where the dam passes through a rock gorge. There we will stop and take pictures under the exposed rocks. After a few more bends, the dam narrows and the paddling does not continue upstream of the Rositsa River, where all around the dam is overgrown with lush deciduous forest. We will find a suitable place to hang out for a rest and an afternoon picnic. When we have rested well and recharged with new forces, we will take back to the beginning, where the transport is waiting for us.