The new St John’s Hospital Museum extends a warm welcome to all of its visitors. Step inside this 12th-century hospital and immerse yourself in the history of care (and caring).
Can you feel the heartbeat of the millions of visitors who came before you? Since the Middle Ages, this place has been a warm haven for anyone who needed care or somewhere to sleep. Hospitality is literally interwoven with the hospital's DNA. Today, the hospital is welcoming you.
At the museum, you will discover some fascinating old art, the hospital collection and masterpieces by contemporary artists like Berlinde De Bruyckere and Patricia Piccinini, complemented by some gripping stories and testimonies as to hospitality and empathy.
Let yourself be enthralled by the world-famous Memling collection too. Hans Memling, one of the best-known Flemish primitives, created a number of his major works specially for St John's Hospital. It has been the home of these works since the 15th century.
Finish off your visit to the St John’s Hospital Museum with a look inside the old hospital pharmacy with an authentic 17th-century interior and herb garden.