Learn about the Swedish doctor and writer who turned the site of an ancient Roman villa into his expansive home with terraced gardens and archeological relics from the past 3,000 years.
Learn about the Swedish doctor and writer who turned the site of an ancient Roman villa into his expansive home with terraced gardens and archeological relics from the past 3,000 years.
Learn about the Swedish doctor and writer who turned the site of an ancient Roman villa into his expansive home with terraced gardens and archeological relics from the past 3,000 years.
The east of Sardinia isn’t just a millionaire’s playground. Anyone who enjoys sun-drenched beauty will appreciate its pristine beaches and wild hinterland.
Learn about the Swedish doctor and writer who turned the site of an ancient Roman villa into his expansive home with terraced gardens and archeological relics from the past 3,000 years.