Garfield County

Popular cities in Garfield County
Bryce Canyon
Known for Nature, Natural parks and Hiking
Reasons to visit
- Sunset Point
- Old Bryce Town
- Sunrise Point
Known for Coral reefs, Dining and Nature
Wedged between blush-colored cliffs and bordered with emerald meadows, this 19th-century pioneering town is perfectly situated for outdoor fun and adventures.
Reasons to visit
- Gifford Homestead
- Goosenecks Overlook
- Capitol Gorge
Known for Nature, Natural parks and Hiking
Reasons to visit
- Red Canyon
Known for Friendly people, Hiking and Family-friendly
Use this humble town as a peaceful base for exploring the forest and lake in this immense region of canyons.
Reasons to visit
- Escalante Petrified Forest State Park